If you are thinking of creating a marketing or social media strategy it is essential that you understand the people you’re trying to reach. That’s where having a well-developed buyer persona comes in handy.
What is a buyer persona?
It’s an archetype of the ideal client for your service or product. It falls within your demographic, which you should be clear of after investigating and gathering information about your brand and business. Creating this character will help you create better content that will pique the interest of future clients and engage with your existing ones. It will also help you find crucial information, such as; your client's concerns, interests, pain points, inconveniences, and such, but most importantly what they need and where they look for it.
One of the main characteristics of the buyer persona, which also helps differentiate between multiple buyer personas, is their ‘pain points’, this phrase is used when referring to any need, motivation, or worry that the buyer persona could have and that could be solved with your service or product.
If we know the pain points of our ideal client, we also know something really important, their drive, what motivates them to look for something online, search for it in a store, or buy it.
For this, it’s key to have a clear mental image of our buyer persona. To achieve that you must find as much information as possible, this will not only help you create content with the right focus but also a content strategy, your business image, and what social media to use.
What information do you need?
· Personal: hobbies, people who influence their life and decisions, what makes them happy, their goals, motivations, fears, etc.
· Online conduct: Which social platforms do they use, do they shop online? Where? How do they look for information, with how much frequency, which websites do they use to search, how many hours do they spend online? Etc.
· Work conduct: responsibilities, challenges, mayor influences, etc.
· Relation to the company: Do they know you, motives to buy from you, how they found you, interactions with the company, etc.